I've been following my schedule quite good. I've had a goal to "make it till Friday" and here we are! - And it makes me wonder, why do people have certain feelings for certain days?
I guess i'm not super into Mondays but I do however hate to blame reasons on days. Like all them meme says, "It's not the day, it's you" - And that couldn't not mean more to Me than as of this moment.
Obviously, I love the weekends, maybe Sundays the most (Football on TV, GO RAMS!)
but if you want to live life to the fullest, make all your days the best ones - or - at least try!
And please, stop setting the bar so high - lower the bar if you have a tough time reaching your daily achievements. Dicipline Will come.
I'm optimistic about the turn around I'm doing, I feel good, got some surroundings as mentioned before and I really don't have any excuses. I don't mind either. Having this blog helps a lot, to all my Zero readers. haha! - As I said, I don't mind. It's about doing it, everyday. Enjoy your weekend and have a look at some of my kollages. Mixed from '17-'18.
All love, Xxx